CMC Management Consultants

Current Event Specialists and Business Coaches which give in-depth knowledge and modern tools

Anca Bors (CMC) has more than 15 years’ experience as management consultant, providing services to organizations in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, having expertise in organizational development, financial management and project and process management. Anca has managed complex consultancy projects having a wide variety of stakeholders, and has proved to be a result-oriented management consultant.

Anca earned an MBA from the Vienna University in Project and Process management, she is Secretary and former Treasurer of the CMC Consulting Institute (CMC – GI) and member of the Finance Committee of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI). Anca holds the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) professional designation.

Dwight Mihalicz (CMC) has founded and is President of Effective ManagersTM , a management consulting firm based in Canada that provides services globally through a network of consulting firms. He has over 40 years of organization experience in a broad variety of organizations and situations. Over this period he has been required to focus on and solve complex problems in local, national, and global settings. Throughout his career, he has developed extensive expertise in supporting improvement processes with large organizations.

Dwight earned an MBA from the University of Ottawa, he is President of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), and holds the CMC professional designation.

Dwight is envolved in Effective Managers projects in Romania and the region through the partnership with Growhmself.

Professional Achievements

Developing high people management standards to encourage personal development, professional excitement and employee retention.
Projects Implemented
Public Authorities
Management Consulting
Thousand Kilometres
Traveled Around the World

Does the following sound familiar?

  • Meetings, meetings, meetings – why doesn’t someone just decide?
  • Conflict: People in different parts of the organization disagree on how and when they need to work together.
  • Poor communication: The right information is not getting to the right people at the right time.
  • Silos: Departments decide to “do it themselves” because they can’t trust their peers to deliver what was promised on time.
  • Drift: The executive team decisions are not implemented consistently throughout the organization.
  • Indecision: People that should be making decisions are not, resulting in delays, and missed opportunities and duplicated work.

These are just examples of wasted activities in organizations that absorbs time, wastes energy, and doesn’t produce expected results.

Organizations tend to attack these issues: they run programs on things like running better meetings, team building exercises, communications programs, leadership training, and so on. But most initiatives fail to deliver because these issues are symptoms, not the causes. Treating the symptoms is like giving an aspirin to treat a fever. The fever may go a way for a while, but the underlying disease is not gone. The fever will come back.

Growhmself can help you implement an accountability and authority framework in your organization in partnership with Effective Managers which has developed this straight forward approach, The Effective Point of Accountability®.

Effectiveness Assessment

Most organizations have a strategic plan, but 70% fail to achieve their strategic goals. This happens because:

  • Managers are spending almost half their time on non-value-added work.
  • Accountability is critical to organization effectiveness, but managers are not clear about their accountability.

The research made by The Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, and Effective Managers investigating managerial effectiveness in the workplace revealed the points above.

The survey to assess manager effectiveness, and The Effective Point of Accountability® framework have been used successfully by organizations to improve accountability for the delegation of work and collaboration across functions.

You can now assess manager effectiveness in your organization, and receive a comprehensive, customized report. The assessment is completely confidential, and provides you with amazing insights into your managerial capability.

The effectiveness assessment is web-based, and requires only 20 – 30 minutes of each manager’s time. The results are presented together with benchmark comparisons, observations, and concrete recommendations for change. The meeting with the CEO and the Executive Management Team facilitated by the senior management consultant ensures that the results are understood, and supports decision-making.

Organizational Realignment

High performing organizations ensure that their managers are aligned and working in a concerted way to help achieve strategic objectives, while maintaining operations and managing their subordinates.

The number one issue driving the lack of effectiveness is a lack of clarity of accountability and authority. Managers, from the CEO down, are not doing their critically important managerial work.

An effective change management program can make the difference. By attacking and removing the root causes issues symptoms such as diffused effort, poor communication, silos, missed deadlines, missed work, duplicated work, and so on can be eliminated.

The common element? Having effective managerial leadership practices working in harmony throughout the entire organization, within a clear accountability and authority framework.

You don’t need to start from scratch. The Effective Point of Accountability can be used as a road map by organization to ensure that managers are clear about what they need to accomplish, and how they work together.

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